Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3 major themes, how are the connected to more than one topic and what you knew before, what knowledge have you gained?

Throughout the semester, this course has focused on three main objectives in relation to the fundamentals of biochemistry. First off would be the structure and function of the four major biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids). The structures in which these four are made up have been a topic of discussion since general biology. Nucleic acids are composed of nucleotides, proteins are made up of long amino acid sequences, carbohydrates are made by sugars and lipids are produced from fatty acids. It was a key component for us to be able to identify a compound as a protein or a carb, ECT...after studying the structures of them intensely. However, in biochemistry, we focused much on the mechanisms as well as their structures. For instance, the mechanism of proteins to act as enzymes to catalyze reactions. We study extensively the different types of enzymes used for different types of reactions and became more and more familiar as to which enzyme does what to each reaction by either looking at the name or viewing what has been altered between the reactants and the products.

Second objective that we studied thoroughly was the process for DNA replication. One of the main sub-objectives of this topic was to compare and contrast DNA replication within prokaryotes and eukaryotes. After examining the two it's always the case that eukaryotic replication is so much more complex compared to prokaryotic. Two mechanisms discussed are transcription and translation. These were also touched based on in general biology as well as genetics, but it was important that we looked at this in a biochemical sense and understand all the components embedded into these two topics. For instance the use of transcription factors as well as the in depth study of the genetic code.

Finally, the process of cellular metabolism was the last thoroughly discussed objective we encountered in this course. Obviously, we have all had background knowledge from, again, general biology and other disciplinary courses of biochemistry but we must look at this from a biochemical stand point and looking at it that way allows us to view each key compound and reaction in action of this process. Glycolysis and the Citric Acid Cycle where broken down into each little reaction that takes place and we were shown the presence of each individual enzyme required for each reaction as well as being able to identify which type of reaction it is. Not only did we just discuss the metabolism of carbohydrates but also lipids and a comparison of the two as to which is more energy sufficient as well as which is better in the case of storage capacity. This is a topic to which I have never touched based on so I found it to be rather interesting to learn about and it was very easy to understand because of how extensively we have studied these two biomolecules.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Would You Explain The Connection Between Glucose Entering The Body and Energy Created By The Body To A Friend?

The act of conducting this experiment (explaining glycolysis to a friend) would conclude a series of frustrating explanations as to why this all works as my voice gradually becomes louder and more adamant about what I'm saying. If it were to continue longer than this point it could very well lead to unnecessary violence and the act of at least 5 of the 7 deadly sins. Therefore, to prevent this we will add in the consumption of alcohol, to both me and my friend, to allow for better results and, let’s face it, a better time in general. Assuming this friend took at least high school biology and has a good recollection of it still, I will not have to explain too much background information. Let's begin then! "DUDE!!!!! I gotta tell you about the connection between glucose entering the body and how energy is created from that! It's so insane!!"
Basically it is all converted through this metabolic pathway called glycolysis. As glucose enters this pathway, it is broken down to create ATP through a series of reactions and then ends in the form of pyruvate. At this point there is a net yield of 2 ATP molecules per glucose (4 ATP produced, 2 ATP used). Now at this point pyruvate must choose. It can either go on to create more ATP (only if presence of oxygen), give us that suck ass feeling we get when our muscles contract after working out, or make some alcohol. If decided to go on and create more ATP then it will enter a new pathway known as the citric acid cycle it will then be converted into acetyl-CoA and go around in a circle losing more and more carbon atoms and creating more energy yielding compounds until broken down to a four carbon molecule called oxaloacetate that is then regenerated to perform the cycle all over again. The resulting number of ATP is 32 and we can use that to do sports and shit. This is kind of a big deal.

What knowledge have you connected with past knowledge?

At this point in Biochemistry, we have gone over in depth the properties and contributions of macromolecules (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids). All of which I have learned about in the past and remembering what I knew of them really helped me out when talking about them all in a biochemistry sense. In this class we focused on how their monomers are chemically arranged within their structure, meanwhile, in other disciplinary courses the only real topic of discussion was what each was composed of (proteins=amino acids, lipids=fatty acids, carbohydrates=sugars, nucleic acids=nucleotides). Also, it was necessary for us to know the functions and effects that these macromolecules act. Soon after the midterm we started talking about biological processes such as transcription and translation. These two forms of DNA replication have obviously been discussed in other classes so much of this was review. However, we did touch base with a few components I have not known much about before such as transcription factors and how previously we were taught that a certain gene can encode for only one protein when it is in fact that a certain gene can encode for many proteins. I know now that more processes are going to be covered next in upcoming lectures for this class so I hope to be able to recollect all of this material when the time comes to be able to understand it the best I can.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Find an interesting biochemistry website and put its link in this entry, and describe briefly what is found there.


This biochem website is a major way to keep up with the latest researches and previous journals posted about your specific area of study. The website is organized into several different categories in convenience to whatever topic you with to seek information on. It allows you to read through an abstract summary of research you wish to read up on as well as give you a variety of sources for you to go beyond with if you choose to look for more. There are a number of different journals per category therefore it provides viewers with a search engine were they are able to narrow down to exactly what they are looking for. Also, one is able to provide a commentary on any journal and submit to the author as well as submit your own journal to be posted. Subscriptions are also available here so that you are able to receive notifications of the newest journals posted and be up to date on what is going on at the moment of biochemistry.

What knowledge have you connected with past knowledge?

Each lecture of biochem has so far been a review of what has already been briefly touched on in general biology or in general chemistry, however, goes in to much greater detail and allows me to relate more concepts together that possibly were not as clear when I first heard of them. In the first week of class we thoroughly studied water and it's important properties pertaining to biochemistry. Not too much of a connection here with other knowledge because the basis of what was covered was mainly review from previous courses. The review did go into detail of what was already known but was forgotten. For instance, the interactions of water and other molecules as well as the solubility of water and it's properties. The second lecture we started in on talking about amino acids and proteins. This was also a review, at the beginning, but then went into a greater amount of detail about the forms of amino acids and the prevailing structures of proteins. Much of my past knowledge used in this section of study was gathered from general chemistry lab when we would practice titration using buffers and then having to graph the concentration vs. pH levels. One other thing I remember about common relations on this topic was how some everyday spoken proteins come about such as MSG (monosodium glutamate from glutamic acid) found in food to enhance flavor and histamine (converted from histadine) that is a natural immune response in our respiratory system. The following topic we went into was about proteins as enzymes. The previous knowledge that I had recollect was the action presented by a catalyst. Catalyst are a more efficient way to use in a reaction. This I remember from both general bio and chemistry in lab and lecture.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Calsequestrin- protein structure and function

Calsequestrin's main function serves as the major calcium storage protein of both cardiac and skeletal muscle, binds and releases large numbers of Ca(2+) ions for each contraction and relaxation cycle.However, the incorrect portion of calcium to these muscles could cause the tissues to attack themselves and follow with the inflammatory response of the immune system to those tissues, this is the main symptom of lupus cause in humans. After thoroughly studying the 3D model structure of calsequenstrin using the NCBI protein database, it easy to see the main concepts and functions this particular protein withholds. The first focus to recognize is the difference between looking at the structure in the backbone view and in the all atoms view. The backbone view of the protein does not show the specific function groups that this protein also holds while the all atoms molecule model shows the exact structure that it encompasses. The module also allows you to exam the secondary structures of the protein that displays the beta pleated sheets and the alpha helix of it. This protein does have two separate subunits that combine together to create the quaternary structure that us the final structure of this protein.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is biochemistry, and how does it differ from the fields of genetics, biology, chemistry, and molecular biology?

Biochemistry is the study of molecular nature of life processes. In living cells, many chemical reactions can take place simultaneously, therefore, biochemistry focuses more on the functions and structures of bimolecular (such as proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids) and how these compounds conduct the chemical reactions through a series of catalytic reactions that take place in cell metabolism and the endocrine system. The disciplines for biochemistry are grouped with the fields of genetics, biology, chemistry, and molecular biology, however, manages to build on its own area of importance. Genetics works on seeking and understanding the process of inheritance and goes in great detail on genes and regions to correspond with DNA molecules. Biology differs in a more broad way compared to biochemistry because it studies the natural science of a living organism and the many necessities needed to live including the concepts of cell theory and evolution. Chemistry differs from biochemistry because it lays out the importance of structure and chemical behavior relating to matter and atomic level while biochemistry mainly focuses on the substances found in biochemical organisms. Molecular biology concerns itself with molecular interactions within cellular systems and goes into the understanding as how these interactions are regulated. Although all these areas of study can be compared and interpreted with biochemistry, biochemistry still maintains its main focus on the processes of a living organism as well as molecules and macromolecules