Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Would You Explain The Connection Between Glucose Entering The Body and Energy Created By The Body To A Friend?

The act of conducting this experiment (explaining glycolysis to a friend) would conclude a series of frustrating explanations as to why this all works as my voice gradually becomes louder and more adamant about what I'm saying. If it were to continue longer than this point it could very well lead to unnecessary violence and the act of at least 5 of the 7 deadly sins. Therefore, to prevent this we will add in the consumption of alcohol, to both me and my friend, to allow for better results and, let’s face it, a better time in general. Assuming this friend took at least high school biology and has a good recollection of it still, I will not have to explain too much background information. Let's begin then! "DUDE!!!!! I gotta tell you about the connection between glucose entering the body and how energy is created from that! It's so insane!!"
Basically it is all converted through this metabolic pathway called glycolysis. As glucose enters this pathway, it is broken down to create ATP through a series of reactions and then ends in the form of pyruvate. At this point there is a net yield of 2 ATP molecules per glucose (4 ATP produced, 2 ATP used). Now at this point pyruvate must choose. It can either go on to create more ATP (only if presence of oxygen), give us that suck ass feeling we get when our muscles contract after working out, or make some alcohol. If decided to go on and create more ATP then it will enter a new pathway known as the citric acid cycle it will then be converted into acetyl-CoA and go around in a circle losing more and more carbon atoms and creating more energy yielding compounds until broken down to a four carbon molecule called oxaloacetate that is then regenerated to perform the cycle all over again. The resulting number of ATP is 32 and we can use that to do sports and shit. This is kind of a big deal.

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