Thursday, March 11, 2010

Find an interesting biochemistry website and put its link in this entry, and describe briefly what is found there.

This biochem website is a major way to keep up with the latest researches and previous journals posted about your specific area of study. The website is organized into several different categories in convenience to whatever topic you with to seek information on. It allows you to read through an abstract summary of research you wish to read up on as well as give you a variety of sources for you to go beyond with if you choose to look for more. There are a number of different journals per category therefore it provides viewers with a search engine were they are able to narrow down to exactly what they are looking for. Also, one is able to provide a commentary on any journal and submit to the author as well as submit your own journal to be posted. Subscriptions are also available here so that you are able to receive notifications of the newest journals posted and be up to date on what is going on at the moment of biochemistry.


  1. I really like this website, thanks for showing it to me Kendra! I signed up for 'My BJ' and I came to find information on everything I could ever want regarding to biochemistry. Now any time an article that has keywords of nutrition are published I get an email right to my in-box that lets me know new information is ready for me to digest!

    I also like this as it is current and up to date information that tells you the source readily. Some day if I ever go into research I can publish it and perhaps other people will use this website for their school projects too. That being said, truly comprehending each article past the abstract can be pretty hard. Each day in class we get a little closer to it easily making sense though.

    Thanks again for the awesome website and I'm sure to keep coming back to it.

  2. No problem Jarmak! I'm really glad you liked it. I felt as though in the beginning of entering this site you didn't think it was really going to lead you to anywhere interesting. However, once you experience more of it you become sort of sucked into it and find it rather enjoyable. After 5 or 6 minutes it can become a bit overwhelming, but you leave feeling satisfied to have visited and experienced this websites interpretation of biochemistry. ;-)
